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The strongest people are those who win battles we know nothing about

Yes, the entire world is fighting a battle since a year against a demon –Covid19. In this deadly battle some have lost, some have exhausted and some have vanished ……. But over and above all some have managed to survive…..more specifically I’d say thrive. So now question arises why some could not survived and some thrived? After an intense brain storming, I reached to conclusion that it is all about your mental health and mental state. The more you be optimistic, the more you become powerful to fight against this demon.

Now question arises how to remain confident, calm and composed in this volatile and uncertain times. According to a survey, approximately 80% of the diseases are caused by mental stress; this impacts on the immune system. In current times immune system is the pivotal part of our lives. Therefore we must ensure to keep stress away.

 So, here are some tips to keep you stress-free.

  1. Meditation: 

There are many techniques to do meditation. You can chant some mantras, focus on your breathing, listen to some guided audio during meditation or perform some yoga. These activities will help you keeping stress away.

These days your diet should be healthy, enriched with protein, minerals and vitamins. Fruits can be your best friends these days. Such food helps keeping the stress away.

If you feel hyper anxiety, extreme stress or pressure and if you are unable to handle them on your own then please don’t hesitate to seek medical help. Some good psychiatrists or counselors can really help you out

Apart from this some activities can really make you feel relieved, like:

Remember, हमें पॉजिटिव रहना हे, बनना नहीं हे ....    Stay safe and spread positivity…  

The global census data of 2016 states that approx 59.7% of global population is employed in various sectors; roughly 4.7 people are unemployed and rest are either students or homemakers or retired old age people. Now the question arises how many people out of 59.7% people are happy with their job (job is not limited to service but also covers self employment or early entrepreneurship)?

Another interesting survey also stated that 90% of people are not happy with their current occupation /job and therefore the best of them rarely comes out. Then what are the factors of this professional dissatisfaction? There could be multiple reasons and issues but today we restrict our discussion to service class people who do service somewhere. In this case some of the primary reasons are the monetary gain one might be receiving, work life balance, fatigue, stress, etc

According to the experts and previous observations, the major attrition happens post appraisal season and they look for more lucrative opportunities with higher financial benefits. But with the passage of time the equations have changed because of increasing maturity both the sides – employers and job seekers. Therefore while negotiating about the most important aspect of the job – salary negotiation – a job seeker must remember that “salary is very important in the new job, but it’s not everything.” And when a job seeker very conveniently overlooks this simple fundamental rule, he simply increases his chance of losing that opportunity. Therefore a job seeker must take care of following things while discussing over pay package and other perks & benefits. 

  1. Keeping a figure in mind and then negotiating can be disappointing:

Mostly the employers or recruiters announces the pay package along with recruitment advertisement but that is in most cases the highest limit (unless specified) for that position. Now considering that if a job seeker doesn’t fulfil all criteria for particular job and starts negotiating from the figure as per recruitment add, can instigate the recruiter to bypass your candidature and look for some other prospects. So do proper homework before this kind of discussion.

2. If you will control yourself then you will never be exhausted:

One of the reasons of being “burned out” is that you don’t have control over you or yourself. There are many reasons for being exhausted or feeling unusual fatigue, some of them are you are doing strenuous activities or indulging in unnecessary tasks. Another reason is that because of workload or improper work life balance you are not able to connect to your eco system and therefore you end up draining energy. So do proper study of job profile before appearing in the interview and justify firmly why and how your expectations are rationale in connection to your expected role at new place.

3.Why you shouldn’t tell your colleagues about your stress:

Stress is actually contagious. When you chatter about your stress to someone, you feel temporary relief but it doesn’t going to help you reduce the same, on the contrary that person also will be infected with stress and unknowingly he will also be indulged in spreading it. Only solution to stop this contagious act is you have to watch & control the way you talk. Your stress related to your work or financial matters really don’t bother others then why to share with them? Remember there are no buyers of your challenges. If, in any case, you have to converse about the stress then also talk on remedies and solutions, what strategies are you using to reduce your stress or how can you be a problem solver.

Courtesy: Harvard Business Review (Case studies & Tips)
